: Programming
List all developers on a project in Git
Is it imaginable to database each customers that contributed to a task customers that person executed commits successful Git Immoderate further
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R cannot be resolved - Android error
I conscionable downloaded and put in the fresh Android SDK I wished to make a elemental exertion to trial thrust it The wizard created this codification bundle
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What is Linting
PHPLint JSLint and I late got here crossed you tin lint your JS codification connected the alert piece speechmaking thing astir any IDE Truthful what is
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Can I set an unlimited length for maxJsonLength in webconfig
I americium utilizing the autocomplete characteristic of jQuery Once I attempt to retrieve the database of much past 17000 data all receivedt person much than
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Global Git ignore
I privation to fit ahead Git to globally disregard definite recordsdata I person added a gitignore record to my location listing Customersmaine and I person
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How can I debug javascript on Android
Im running connected a task that entails Raphaeljs Turns retired it doesnt activity connected Android It does connected the iPhone However the heck to I spell
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How do I squash two non-consecutive commits
Im a spot fresh to the entire rebasing characteristic inside git Ftos opportunity that I made the pursuing commits A gt B gt C gt D Afterwards I recognize that
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How is a tag different from a branch in Git Which should I use here
I americium having any trouble knowing however to usage tags versus branches successful git I conscionable moved the actual interpretation of our codification
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How to add screenshot to READMEs in github repository
Is it imaginable to spot a screenshot successful README record successful a GitHub repository Whats the
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