Code Script 🚀

: Programming

How do I edit an existing tag message in Git

How do I edit an existing tag message in Git

We person respective annotated tags successful our Git repository The older tags person bogus messages that we would similar to replace to beryllium successful

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How do I remove the old history from a git repository

How do I remove the old history from a git repository

Im acrophobic I couldnt discovery thing rather similar this peculiar script I person a git repository with a batch of past 500 branches 500 tags going backmost

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How do you move a commit to the staging area in git

How do you move a commit to the staging area in git

If you privation to decision a perpetrate to the staging country that is uncommit it and decision each of the modifications which have been successful it into

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JQ Select multiple conditions

JQ Select multiple conditions

I person a json and astatine the minute utilizing choice to acquire lone the information which lucifer 1 information I demand to filter based mostly connected

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Updating and committing only a files permissions using git version control

Updating and committing only a files permissions using git version control

Conscionable turned an anysh record into an executable chmod 755 the permissions have been up to date however not the contented Is location a manner to

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Altering a column null to not null

Altering a column null to not null

I person a array that has respective nullable integer columns This is undesirable for respective causes truthful I americium trying to replace each nulls to

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How can I deal with this Git warning Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branches is discouraged

How can I deal with this Git warning Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branches is discouraged

Last a git propulsion root maestro I acquire the pursuing communication informing Pulling with out specifying however to reconcile divergent branches is

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How can I swap positions of two open files in splits in vim

How can I swap positions of two open files in splits in vim

Presume Ive bought any arbitrary format of splits successful vim 1 2 3 Is location a manner to swap 1 and 2 and keep the aforesaid structure Its elemental

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How to define custom configuration variables in Rails

How to define custom configuration variables in Rails

I was questioning however to adhd customized configuration variables to a Rails exertion and however to entree them successful the controller Secondly I was

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