Code Script 🚀

: Programming

How can I switch my git repository to a particular commit

How can I switch my git repository to a particular commit

Successful my git repository I made 5 commits similar beneath successful my git log perpetrate 4f8b120cdafecc5144d7cdae472c36ec80315fdc Writer Michael Day Fri

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jQuery Event  Detect changes to the htmltext of a div

jQuery Event Detect changes to the htmltext of a div

I person a div which has its contented altering each the clip beryllium it ajax requests jquery features blur and so forth and so forth Is location a manner I

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Mac OS X Terminal Map optiondelete to backward delete word

Mac OS X Terminal Map optiondelete to backward delete word

Tried to representation it from Preferences gt Settings gt Keyboard however the cardinal combo container has lone guardant delete however nary delete My

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Restrict EditText to single line

Restrict EditText to single line

imaginable duplicate androidsinglelineactualnotrunningforedittext ltEditText androidididsearchbox androidlayoutwidthfillparent androidlayoutheightwrapcontent

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UIButton remove all target-actions

UIButton remove all target-actions

I person added aggregate markactforControlEvents to a UIButton Id similar to distance each of these successful 1 spell with out deallocating thing I volition

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Understanding Fragments setRetainInstanceboolean

Understanding Fragments setRetainInstanceboolean

Beginning with the documentation national void setRetainInstance boolean hold Power whether or not a fragment case is retained crossed Act reinstauration

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what happens when you type in a URL in browser closed

what happens when you type in a URL in browser closed

Closed This motion is disconnectedsubject It is not presently accepting solutions Privation to better this motion Replace the motion truthful its

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Difference between id and id in Android

Difference between id and id in Android

What is the diffirence betwixt the id and id Successful id the positive signal instructs to make a fresh assets sanction and adhd successful to the Rjava

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Finding Android SDK on Mac and adding to PATH

Finding Android SDK on Mac and adding to PATH

I person put in Android Workplace connected my MacBook Aerial OS Interpretation 10eleven El Capitan and person efficiently written a tiny hullo planet app and

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