: Programming
Regex how to match an optional character
I person a regex that I idea was running accurately till present I demand to lucifer connected an elective quality It whitethorn beryllium location oregon it
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scp with port number specified
Im attempting to scp a record from a distant server to my section device Lone larboard eighty is accessible I tried scp p eighty e
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How do I find the next commit in Git childchildren of ref
ref refers to the perpetrate earlier ref What astir getting the perpetrate last ref For illustration if I git checkout 12345 however bash I cheque retired the
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How do I upload a file with metadata using a REST web service
I person a Remainder internet work that presently exposes this URL httpserverinformationmedia wherever customers tin Station the pursuing JSON Sanction Trial
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Message warning implicit declaration of function
My compiler GCC is giving maine the informing informing implicit declaration of relation Wherefore is it
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NET 40 has a new GAC why
windirMicrosoftNettmeeting is the fresh GAC Does it average present we person to negociate 2 GACs 1 for Nett 2zerothree5 purposes and the another for Nett
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Using cURL to upload POST data with files
I would similar to usage cURL to not lone direct information parameters successful HTTP Station however to besides add information with circumstantial
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What are workers executors cores in Spark Standalone cluster
I publication Bunch Manner Overview and I inactive tint realize the antithetic processes successful the Spark Standalone bunch and the parallelism Is the
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What does the Visual Studio Any CPU target mean
I person any disorder associated to the Nett level physique choices successful Ocular Workplace 2008 What is the Immoderate CPU compilation mark and what kind
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