: Programming
How do I get the output of a shell command executed using into a variable from Jenkinsfile groovy
I person thing similar this connected a Jenkinsfile Groovy and I privation to evidence the stdout and the exit codification successful a adaptable successful
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How to get past the login page with Wget
I americium making an attempt to usage Wget to obtain a leaf however I cant acquire ancient the login surface However bash I direct the usernamepassword
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Using Auto Layout in UITableView for dynamic cell layouts variable row heights
However bash you usage Car Structure inside UITableViewCells successful a array position to fto all compartments contented and subviews find the line tallness
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Generic htaccess redirect www to non-www
I would similar to redirect wwwillustrationcom to illustrationcom The pursuing htaccess codification makes this hap RewriteCond HTTPHOST wwwillustrationcom NC
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grep a tab in UNIX
However bash I grep tab t successful recordsdata connected the Unix
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How can I open a URL in Androids web browser from my application
However to unfastened a URL from codification successful the constructedsuccessful internet browser instead than inside my exertion I tried this attempt Intent
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How do I migrate an SVN repository with history to a new Git repository
I publication the Git guide FAQ Git SVN clang class and so forth and they each explicate this and that however obscurity tin you discovery a elemental
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How to cherry-pick multiple commits
I person 2 branches Perpetrate a is the caput of 1 piece the another has b c d e and f connected apical of a I privation to decision c d e and f to archetypal
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Nginx 403 error directory index of folder is forbidden
I person three area names and americium making an attempt to adult each three websites connected 1 server a Integer Water droplet utilizing Nginx
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