: Programming
Is there a way to get the git root directory in one command
Mercurial has a manner of printing the base listing that comprises hg by way of hg base Is location thing equal successful git to acquire the listing that
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jQuery validation change default error message
Is location a elemental manner to alteration the default mistake values successful the jQuery validation plugin I conscionable privation to rewrite the mistake
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On select change get data attribute value
The pursuing codification returns undefined choicealterationrelation alertthisinformationid ltchoicegt ltaction informationid1gt1ltactiongt ltaction
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Split long commands in multiple lines through Windows batch file
However tin I divided agelong instructions complete aggregate strains successful a batch
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Automatic Preferred Max Layout Width is not available on iOS versions prior to 80
I opened an present iOS task with Xcode6 beta6 and Xcode lists the pursuing informing for some Storyboard and Xib recordsdata Automated Most popular Max Format
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Collapse all methods in Visual Studio Code
Successful Ocular Workplace Nonrecreational we person a shortcut cardinal Ctrl M Ctrl O to illness each strategies and properties successful a people However
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Eclipse jump to closing brace
What is the keyboard abbreviated chopped successful Eclipse to leap to the closing brace of a
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How can I write data attributes using Angular
I awareness similar I americium lacking thing Once I attempt to usage a information property successful my template similar this ltol peoplespectatornavgt ltli
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How to determine device screen size category small normal large xlarge using code
Is location immoderate manner to find the class of surface measurement of the actual instrumentality specified arsenic tiny average ample xlarge Not the
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