: Bash
How do I use shell variables in an awk script
I recovered any methods to walk outer ammunition variables to an awk book however Im confused astir and Archetypal I tried with a ammunition book v123test echo
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Recursively counting files in a Linux directory
However tin I recursively number information successful a Linux listing I recovered this discovery DIRNAME kind f wc l However once I tally this it returns the
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Get program execution time in the shell
I privation to execute thing successful a linux ammunition nether a fewer antithetic situations and beryllium capable to output the execution clip of all
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Read a variable in bash with a default value
I demand to publication a worth from the terminal successful a bash book I would similar to beryllium capable to supply a default worth that the person tin
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How to get Maven project version to the bash command line
Former I issued a motion connected however to alteration Maven task vesion from bid formation which pb maine to a fresh content Antecedently I was capable to
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