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How do I use shell variables in an awk script

February 15, 2025

πŸ“‚ Categories: Bash
🏷 Tags: Shell Awk
How do I use shell variables in an awk script

Integrating ammunition variables into your awk scripts tin importantly heighten their flexibility and powerfulness, permitting you to procedure information dynamically primarily based connected outer inputs. This empowers you to make much versatile and reusable scripts for a broad scope of duties, from log investigation to information translation. Mastering this method is a important measure for immoderate aspiring ammunition scripter. This article delves into the assorted strategies for utilizing ammunition variables inside awk, offering broad examples and applicable proposal to elevate your scripting expertise.

Passing Ammunition Variables Straight

The about simple technique entails enclosing the ammunition adaptable inside treble quotes and prepending it with a dollar gesture inside the awk book. This nonstop attack permits awk to construe the adaptable’s worth throughout execution.

For case, see the ammunition adaptable filename containing the sanction of a record. Inside your awk book, you tin entree this adaptable arsenic "$filename". This methodology is particularly utile for passing filenames oregon another azygous-worth parameters to your awk book.


filename="information.txt"<br></br> awk '{mark $1}' "$filename"Utilizing the -v Action

The -v action offers a much sturdy manner to walk ammunition variables to awk. It defines an awk adaptable with the aforesaid sanction arsenic the ammunition adaptable, assigning the ammunition adaptable’s worth. This attack is mostly most well-liked for its readability and amended dealing with of variables containing particular characters.


sanction="John Doe"<br></br> awk -v username="$sanction" '{mark "Hullo, " username}'This methodology is peculiarly adjuvant once dealing with variables containing areas oregon another characters that mightiness beryllium misinterpreted by the ammunition.


Awk’s ENVIRON array gives entree to each exported ammunition situation variables. This permits you to leverage situation variables straight inside your awk book. For illustration, to entree the person’s location listing, you tin usage ENVIRON["Location"].


awk '{mark "Your location listing is: " ENVIRON["Location"]}'This technique is particularly utile once running with modular situation variables oregon once you demand to walk a ample figure of variables with out explicitly defining them with -v.

Combining Strategies

You tin harvester these methods to make equal much blase scripts. For illustration, you mightiness usage the -v action for circumstantial variables and the ENVIRON array for broad situation variables.


separator=":"<br></br> awk -v field_separator="$separator" '{mark $1, ENVIRON["Person"], $2}' enter.txt- Usage the -v action for readability and condition, particularly once dealing with variables containing particular characters.

  • Leverage the ENVIRON array for accessing situation variables straight inside your awk book.

Adept Punctuation: “Effectual usage of ammunition variables inside awk unlocks the actual possible of scripting, enabling dynamic information processing and analyzable automation.” - Arnold Robbins, writer of “Effectual Awk Programming.”

  1. Place the ammunition variables you demand to usage inside your awk book.
  2. Take the due methodology for passing the variables (nonstop inclusion, -v action, oregon ENVIRON array).
  3. Combine the variables into your awk book utilizing the chosen methodology.
  4. Trial your book totally to guarantee appropriate performance.

Lawsuit Survey: Ideate processing log records-data wherever the log format is outlined by a ammunition adaptable. Utilizing the -v action, you tin dynamically accommodate your awk book to grip antithetic log codecs with out modifying the book itself. This adaptability proves invaluable successful existent-planet eventualities.

[Infographic Placeholder - Illustrating antithetic strategies of passing ammunition variables to awk]

  • Ever enclose ammunition variables inside treble quotes once utilizing nonstop inclusion to forestall statement splitting and globbing points.
  • The -v action is mostly the really helpful methodology for passing ammunition variables to awk owed to its readability and condition.

Larn much astir precocious awk scripting methodsBy knowing these antithetic strategies, you tin take the about appropriate attack for your circumstantial scripting wants, enhancing the flexibility and powerfulness of your awk scripts.


Q: What if my ammunition adaptable accommodates a abstraction?

A: Utilizing the -v action is the most secure manner to grip variables containing areas oregon another particular characters. This prevents misinterpretation by the ammunition.

Arsenic we’ve explored, efficaciously incorporating ammunition variables into your awk scripts importantly enhances their versatility. From basal information manipulation to analyzable log investigation, these methods empower you to make dynamic and reusable scripts. By training with the examples offered and experimenting with antithetic approaches, you tin genuinely unlock the powerfulness of awk and elevate your scripting capabilities. Research additional sources and documentation to proceed increasing your scripting experience and delve into much precocious awk functionalities. This cognition volition go an invaluable plus successful your scripting toolkit, permitting you to automate duties much effectively and efficaciously negociate information. See experimenting with these strategies successful your adjacent scripting task to witnesser their applicable advantages firsthand.

Outer Assets:

The GNU Awk Person’s Usher
Stack Overflow - Awk Tag
Awk TutorialQuestion & Answer :
I recovered any methods to walk outer ammunition variables to an awk book, however I’m confused astir ' and ".

Archetypal, I tried with a ammunition book:

$ v=123test $ echo $v 123test $ echo "$v" 123test 

Past tried awk:

$ awk 'Statesman{mark "'$v'"}' $ 123test $ awk 'Statesman{mark '"$v"'}' $ 123 

Wherefore is the quality?

Lastly I tried this:

$ awk 'Statesman{mark " '$v' "}' $ 123test $ awk 'Statesman{mark ' "$v" '}' awk: cmd. formation:1: Statesman{mark awk: cmd. formation:1: ^ surprising newline oregon extremity of drawstring 

I’m confused astir this.

#Getting ammunition variables into awk whitethorn beryllium performed successful respective methods. Any are amended than others. This ought to screen about of them. If you person a remark, delight permission beneath. v1.5

Utilizing -v (The champion manner, about transportable)

Usage the -v action: (P.S. usage a abstraction last -v oregon it volition beryllium little moveable. E.g., awk -v var= not awk -vvar=)

adaptable="formation 1\nline 2" awk -v var="$adaptable" 'Statesman {mark var}' formation 1 formation 2 

This ought to beryllium suitable with about awk, and the adaptable is disposable successful the Statesman artifact arsenic fine:

If you person aggregate variables:

awk -v a="$var1" -v b="$var2" 'Statesman {mark a,b}' 

Informing. Arsenic Ed Morton writes and arsenic seen successful the supra illustration, the ammunition adaptable is expanded by the ammunition earlier awk past sees its contented arsenic awk -v var='formation 1\nline 2' and truthful immoderate flight sequences successful the contented of that ammunition adaptable volition beryllium interpreted once utilizing -v, conscionable similar they are for all another signifier of duty of a drawstring to a adaptable successful awk, e.g. awk 'Statesman{var="formation 1\nline 2"} {...}' oregon awk '{...}' var='formation 1\nline 2', and truthful \n turns into a literal LineFeed quality and not the 2-quality drawstring \n. For illustration, fixed a adaptable similar:

$ adaptable='a\tb\n$c\kd' 

awk would grow the flight sequences successful the duty:

$ awk -v var="$adaptable" 'Statesman{ printf "%s\n", var }' awk: informing: flight series `\okay' handled arsenic plain `ok' a b $ckd 

If that’s not what you privation past, if your ammunition (e.g. bash) and locale (e.g. LC_ALL=C) activity it past you tin person backslashes handled virtually by utilizing ammunition parameter substitution to flight immoderate backslashes:

$ awk -v var="${adaptable//\\/\\\\}" 'Statesman{ printf "%s\n", var }' a\tb\n$c\kd 

oregon by utilizing ENVIRON[] oregon entree it by way of ARGV[] (seat beneath).

You can not usage -v var="$(printf '%q' "$adaptable")" for this arsenic that would besides flight $s, nor tin you usage -v var="${adaptable@Q}" arsenic that would conscionable adhd 's about "$adaptable" and the flight sequences would inactive beryllium interpreted by awk. That’s due to the fact that these 2 approaches some flight chars in accordance to ammunition syntax for offering bid enter, not awk syntax for assigning strings to variables.

PS If you person vertical barroom oregon another regexp meta characters arsenic separator similar |?( and many others, they essential beryllium treble escaped. Illustration three vertical bars ||| turns into -F'\\|\\|\\|'. You tin besides usage -F"[|][|][|]".

Illustration connected getting information from a programme/relation successful to awk (present day is utilized)

awk -v clip="$(day +"%F %H:%M" -d '-1 infinitesimal')" 'Statesman {mark clip}' 

Illustration of investigating the contents of a ammunition adaptable arsenic a regexp:

awk -v var="$adaptable" '$zero ~ var{mark "recovered it"}' 

Adaptable last codification artifact

Present we acquire the adaptable last the awk codification. This volition activity good arsenic agelong arsenic you bash not demand the adaptable successful the Statesman artifact:

adaptable="formation 1\nline 2" echo "enter information" | awk '{mark var}' var="${adaptable}" oregon awk '{mark var}' var="${adaptable}" record 
  • Including aggregate variables:

awk '{mark a,b,$zero}' a="$var1" b="$var2" record

  • Successful this manner we tin besides fit antithetic Tract Separator FS for all record.

awk 'any codification' FS=',' file1.txt FS=';' file2.ext

  • Adaptable last the codification artifact volition not activity for the Statesman artifact:

echo "enter information" | awk 'Statesman {mark var}' var="${adaptable}"


Adaptable tin besides beryllium added to awk utilizing a present-drawstring from shells that activity them (together with Bash):

awk '{mark $zero}' <<< "$adaptable" trial 

This is the aforesaid arsenic:

echo "$adaptable" | awk '{mark $zero}' printf '%s' "$adaptable" | awk '{mark $zero}' 

P.S. this treats the adaptable arsenic a record enter.


Arsenic TrueY writes, you tin usage the ENVIRON to mark Situation Variables. Mounting a adaptable earlier moving AWK, you tin mark it retired similar this:

export X=MyVar awk 'Statesman{mark ENVIRON["X"],ENVIRON["Ammunition"]}' MyVar /bin/bash 

oregon for a non-exported adaptable:

x=MyVar x="$x" awk 'Statesman{mark ENVIRON["x"],ENVIRON["Ammunition"]}' MyVar /bin/bash 

ARGV enter

Arsenic Steven Penny writes, you tin usage ARGV to acquire the information into awk:

v="my information" awk 'Statesman {mark ARGV[1]}' "$v" my information 

To acquire the information into the codification itself, not conscionable the Statesman:

v="my information" echo "trial" | awk 'Statesman{var=ARGV[1];ARGV[1]=""} {mark var, $zero}' "$v" my information trial 

Adaptable inside the codification: Usage WITH Warning

You tin usage a adaptable inside the awk codification, however it’s messy and difficult to publication, and arsenic Charles Duffy factors retired, this interpretation whitethorn besides beryllium a unfortunate of codification injection. If person provides atrocious material to the adaptable, it volition beryllium executed arsenic portion of the awk codification.

This plant by extracting the adaptable inside the codification, truthful it turns into a portion of it.

If you privation to brand an awk that modifications dynamically with usage of variables, you tin bash it this manner, however Bash NOT usage it for average variables.

adaptable="formation 1\nline 2" awk 'Statesman {mark "'"$adaptable"'"}' formation 1 formation 2 

Present is an illustration of codification injection:

adaptable='formation 1\nline 2" ; for (i=1;i<=a thousand;++i) mark i"' awk 'Statesman {mark "'"$adaptable"'"}' formation 1 formation 2 1 2 three . . one thousand 

You tin adhd tons of instructions to awk this manner. Equal brand it clang with non legitimate instructions.

1 legitimate usage of this attack, although, is once you privation to walk a signal to awk to beryllium utilized to any enter, e.g. a elemental calculator:

$ calc() { awk -v x="$1" -v z="$three" 'Statesman{ mark x '"$2"' z }'; } $ calc 2.7 '+' three.four 6.1 $ calc 2.7 '*' three.four 9.18 

Location is nary manner to bash that utilizing an awk adaptable populated with the worth of a ammunition adaptable, you Demand the ammunition adaptable to grow to go portion of the matter of the awk book earlier awk interprets it. (seat remark beneath by Ed M.)

Other data:

Usage of treble punctuation

It’s ever bully to treble punctuation adaptable "$adaptable"
If not, aggregate traces volition beryllium added arsenic a agelong azygous formation.


var="Formation 1 This is formation 2" echo $var Formation 1 This is formation 2 echo "$var" Formation 1 This is formation 2 

Another errors you tin acquire with out treble punctuation:

adaptable="formation 1\nline 2" awk -v var=$adaptable 'Statesman {mark var}' awk: cmd. formation:1: 1\nline awk: cmd. formation:1: ^ backslash not past quality connected formation awk: cmd. formation:1: 1\nline awk: cmd. formation:1: ^ syntax mistake 

And with azygous punctuation, it does not grow the worth of the adaptable:

awk -v var='$adaptable' 'Statesman {mark var}' $adaptable 

Much data astir AWK and variables

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