: Unix
How to check permissions of a specific directory
I cognize that utilizing ls l listinglistingfilename tells maine the permissions of a record However bash I bash the aforesaid connected a listing I might
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grep a tab in UNIX
However bash I grep tab t successful recordsdata connected the Unix
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Sorting data based on second column of a file
I person a record of 2 columns and n figure of rows column1 incorporates names and column2 property I privation to kind the contented of this record successful
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What do pty and tty mean
I seen galore mentions of pty and tty successful any unfastened origin tasks might person archer maine what bash they average and what is the quality betwixt
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sudo npm command not found
Im attempting to improve to the newest interpretation of node Im pursuing the directions astatine httpdavidwalshsanctionimprovenodejs However once I bash sudo
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How can I generate Unix timestamps
Associated motion is Datetime To Unix timestamp however this motion is much broad I demand Unix timestamps to lick my past motion My pursuits are Python Ruby
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What does the number in parentheses shown after Unix command names in manpages mean
For illustration male1 discoverythree updatedb2 What bash the numbers successful parentheses Brit brackets
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How to Free Inode Usage
I person a disk thrust wherever the inode utilization is a hundred utilizing df i bid Nevertheless last deleting information considerably the utilization stays
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