: Unix
sometimes my file just freezes in my vi vim what happened
Typically once I edit my record utilizing vi oregon vim my record conscionable freezes Equal if I kind CtrlC oregon CtrlD it inactive freezes location I
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Use space as a delimiter with cut command
I privation to usage abstraction arsenic a delimiter with the chopped bid What syntax tin I usage for
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Why do you need dot-slash before executable or script name to run it in bash
Once moving scripts successful bash I person to compose successful the opening negociatepy syncdb If I dont I acquire an mistake communication negociatepy
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Why does ENOENT mean No such file or directory
What does the ENT average successful ENOENT Shouldnt the mistake Nary specified record oregon listing conscionable beryllium named by ENOFILE Is location
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How can I pretty-print JSON in a shell script
Is location a Unix ammunition book to format JSON successful qualityreadable signifier Fundamentally I privation it to change the pursuing foo lorem barroom
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How can I copy the output of a command directly into my clipboard
However tin I tube the output of a bid into my clipboard and paste it backmost once utilizing a terminal For case feline record
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Unix shell script find out which directory the script file resides
Fundamentally I demand to tally the book with paths associated to the ammunition book record determination however tin I alteration the actual listing to the
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How to get full path of a file
Is location an casual manner I tin mark the afloat way of recordtxt recordtxt nfsandisksjjlocationdirrecordtxt The ltbidgt dirgt ltbidgt recordtxt ought to
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Fastest way to tell if two files have the same contents in UnixLinux
I person a ammunition book successful which I demand to cheque whether or not 2 information incorporate the aforesaid information oregon not I bash this a for
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