Code Script 🚀

: Linux

Get current time in seconds since the Epoch on Linux Bash

Get current time in seconds since the Epoch on Linux Bash

I demand thing elemental similar day however successful seconds since 1970 alternatively of the actual day hours minutes and seconds day doesnt look to message

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sh 0 getcwd failed No such file or directory on cited drive

sh 0 getcwd failed No such file or directory on cited drive

I americium attempting to compile Limb codification connected Ubuntu 1204 Exact Pangolin Every thing is running good once I option the codification successful

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How do I prompt for YesNoCancel input in a Linux shell script

How do I prompt for YesNoCancel input in a Linux shell script

I privation to intermission enter successful a ammunition book and punctual the person for selections The modular Sure Nary oregon Cancel kind motion However

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Find the files that have been changed in last 24 hours

Find the files that have been changed in last 24 hours

Eg a MySQL server is moving connected my Ubuntu device Any information has been modified throughout the past 24 hours What Linux scripts tin discovery the

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Which version of PostgreSQL am I running

Which version of PostgreSQL am I running

Im successful a firm situation moving Debian Linux and didnt instal it myself I entree the databases utilizing Navicat oregon phpPgAdmin if that helps I

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How to pretty-print  view tabular file eg CSV from the command line closed

How to pretty-print view tabular file eg CSV from the command line closed

Closed This motion does not just Stack Overflow tips It is not presently accepting solutions Closed 6 years agone This motion does not look to beryllium astir

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What is Linuxs native GUI API

What is Linuxs native GUI API

Some Home windows Win32 API and OS X Cocoa person their ain APIs to grip home windows occasions and another OS material I person neer truly obtained a broad

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performing HTTP requests with cURL using PROXY

performing HTTP requests with cURL using PROXY

I person this proxy code one hundred twenty five119a hundred seventy fiveforty eight8909 However tin I execute a HTTP petition utilizing cURL similar curl

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Hadoop Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform warning

Hadoop Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform warning

Im presently configuring hadoop connected a server moving CentOs Once I tally commencementdfssh oregon haltdfssh I acquire the pursuing mistake Inform

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