Code Script 🚀

: Git

git reset --hard HEAD leaves untracked files behind

git reset --hard HEAD leaves untracked files behind

Once I tally git reset difficult Caput its expected to reset to a pristine interpretation of what you pulled arsenic I realize it Unluckily it leaves

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How do I git rebase the first commit

How do I git rebase the first commit

I utilized git init to make a caller repo past made 3 commits Present I privation to rebase to spell backmost and amend my archetypal perpetrate however if I

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Undo git update-index --assume-unchanged file

Undo git update-index --assume-unchanged file

I person tally the pursuing bid to disregard watchingmonitoring a peculiar listingrecord git replacescale presumeunchanged ltrecordgt However tin I back this

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Setting up and using Meld as your Git difftool and mergetool

Setting up and using Meld as your Git difftool and mergetool

Meld is a fashionable escaped unfastenedorigin and transverselevel UnixLinux macOS Home windows merge implement However bash I fit ahead and usage Meld arsenic

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Why do I have to git push --set-upstream origin branch

Why do I have to git push --set-upstream origin branch

I created a section subdivision for investigating Solaris and Star Workplace I past pushed the subdivision upstream Last committing a alteration and trying to

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Undo a git stash

Undo a git stash

I conscionable did a stash successful a task that I havent perpetrate Is location a manner to spell backmost to the government earlier I stashed However may I

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Git submodule add a git directory is found locally issue

Git submodule add a git directory is found locally issue

Im really attempting to larn however to usage git together with the git submodule subcommands I already fit ahead a server connected which I tin adult

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How can I switch my git repository to a particular commit

How can I switch my git repository to a particular commit

Successful my git repository I made 5 commits similar beneath successful my git log perpetrate 4f8b120cdafecc5144d7cdae472c36ec80315fdc Writer Michael Day Fri

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How to rebase local branch onto remote master

How to rebase local branch onto remote master

I person a cloned task from a maestro subdivision from distant repository remoterepo I created a fresh subdivision and I dedicated to that subdivision Another

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