: Cocoa-Touch
Clearing NSUserDefaults
Im utilizing NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults to shop exertion settings This consists of approximately a twelve drawstring values Is it imaginable to delete
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UILongPressGestureRecognizer gets called twice when pressing down
I americium detecting if the person has pressed behind for 2 seconds UILongPressGestureRecognizer longPress UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc
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iOS - Dismiss keyboard when touching outside of UITextField
Im questioning however to brand the keyboard vanish once the person touches extracurricular of a
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Attempt to present UIViewController on UIViewController whose view is not in the window hierarchy
Conscionable began utilizing Xcode four5 and I received this mistake successful the console Informing Effort to immediate lt finishViewController 0x1e56e0a0 gt
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