: C
What is the difference between char s and char s
Successful C 1 tin usage a drawstring literal successful a declaration similar this char s hullo oregon similar this char s hullo Truthful what is the quality
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What is the difference between float and double
Ive publication astir the quality betwixt treble precision and azygous precision Nevertheless successful about circumstances interval and treble look to
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How to find the size of an array from a pointer pointing to the first element array
Archetypal disconnected present is any codification int chief int days 12threefour5 int ptr days printfun sizeofdays printfun sizeofptr instrument zero Is
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Why are ifndef and define used in C header files
I person been seeing codification similar this normally successful the commencement of header information ifndef HEADERFILEH specify HEADERFILEH And astatine
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How do I get the directory that a program is running from
Is location a levelagnostic and filesystemagnostic technique to get the afloat way of the listing from wherever a programme is moving utilizing CC Not to
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How do malloc and free work
I privation to cognize however malloc and escaped activity int chief unsigned char p unsigned charmallocfoursizeofunsigned char memsetpzerofour
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static const vs define vs enum
Which 1 is amended to usage amongst the beneath statements successful C static const int var 5 oregon specify var 5 oregon enum var
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Why is the gets function so dangerous that it should not be used
Once I attempt to compile C codification that makes use of the will get relation with GCC I acquire this informing matter0x34 informing the will get relation
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How do I print the full value of a long string in gdb
I privation to mark the afloat dimension of a Cdrawstring successful GDB By default its being abbreviated however bash I unit GDB to mark the entire
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