: Android-Fragments
Activity AppCompatActivity FragmentActivity and ActionBarActivity When to Use Which
Im coming from iOS wherever its casual and you merely usage a UIViewController Nevertheless successful Android issues look overmuch much complex with definite
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Why fragments and when to use fragments instead of activities
Successful Android API eleven Google has launched a fresh people referred to as Fragment Successful the movies Google suggests that every time imaginable link1
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onActivityResult is not being called in Fragment
The act internet hosting this fragment has its onActivityResult known as once the digicam act returns My fragment begins an act for a consequence with the
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ViewPager and fragments whats the right way to store fragments state
Fragments look to beryllium precise good for separation of UI logic into any modules However on with ViewPager its lifecycle is inactive misty to maine
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Android Fragment no view found for ID
I person a fragment I americium attempting to adhd into a position FragmentManager fragMgrgetSupportFragmentManager feedparseractivity contented
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Understanding Fragments setRetainInstanceboolean
Beginning with the documentation national void setRetainInstance boolean hold Power whether or not a fragment case is retained crossed Act reinstauration
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