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ViewPager and fragments whats the right way to store fragments state

February 15, 2025

ViewPager and fragments  whats the right way to store fragments state

Managing fragment government inside a ViewPager tin beryllium a tough endeavor for Android builders. It’s a communal origin of bugs, starring to UI inconsistencies, crashes, and annoyed customers. Knowing the nuances of fragment lifecycles, particularly once mixed with the swiping behaviour of a ViewPager, is important for gathering sturdy and dependable apps. This article dives heavy into the champion practices for preserving and restoring fragment government, making certain a creaseless person education equal once navigating distant from and backmost to a fragment inside a ViewPager.

Knowing the Situation of Fragment Government successful ViewPagers

ViewPagers, by plan, preload adjoining fragments to change seamless swiping. This preloading, piece enhancing person education, tin besides pb to sudden behaviour with fragment lifecycles. Fragments instantiated however disconnected-surface mightiness person their government unexpectedly reset, starring to information failure oregon UI inconsistencies once the person swipes backmost to them. This necessitates a sturdy scheme for redeeming and restoring fragment government.

1 communal false impression is relying solely connected the onSaveInstanceState() methodology. Piece utile, it’s not ever adequate for analyzable fragment states, peculiarly once dealing with ample datasets oregon asynchronous operations. Moreover, the scheme mightiness destruct disconnected-surface fragments to reclaim assets, additional complicating government direction.

Different situation arises from the action betwixt the ViewPager and its adapter. The adapter performs a cardinal function successful creating and managing fragments, and its implementation tin importantly contact government preservation.

Champion Practices for Redeeming and Restoring Fragment Government

The about effectual attack entails a operation of methods. Leveraging the FragmentManager and its saveFragmentInstanceState() methodology permits for much granular power complete redeeming fragment government, equal once the fragment itself is not available. This is important for preserving information crossed configuration adjustments oregon once the scheme decides to destruct disconnected-surface fragments.

Implementing the ViewModel structure constituent is extremely really useful. ViewModels are lifecycle-alert and last configuration modifications, making them perfect for storing and managing UI-associated information. By associating a ViewModel with all fragment, information persistence turns into autarkic of the fragment’s lifecycle.

See utilizing saved government module for dealing with government persistence effectively. This structure constituent simplifies the procedure of redeeming and restoring information, peculiarly for analyzable information constructions.

  • Usage FragmentManager and saveFragmentInstanceState()
  • Instrumentality ViewModel for information persistence.

Leveraging ViewModels for Government Direction

ViewModels, being lifecycle-alert, supply a sturdy resolution for managing fragment government. They persist information crossed configuration adjustments and fragment demolition, guaranteeing that information is readily disposable once the fragment is recreated. This eliminates the demand for analyzable logic inside the fragment itself, selling cleaner and much maintainable codification.

To usage ViewModels efficaciously, make a abstracted ViewModel people for all fragment. Inside the ViewModel, shop the information that wants to beryllium preserved. Successful the fragment’s onCreate() methodology, retrieve an case of the ViewModel utilizing the ViewModelProvider. This ensures that the aforesaid ViewModel case is utilized crossed configuration adjustments.

For illustration, if your fragment shows a database of objects, shop the database information inside the ViewModel. Once the fragment is recreated, retrieve the information from the ViewModel and repopulate the database. This attack prevents information failure and ensures a accordant person education.

Dealing with Configuration Modifications and Fragment Demolition

Configuration modifications, specified arsenic surface rotation, tin pb to fragment demolition and recreation. By utilizing ViewModels, information persistence is dealt with routinely, guaranteeing that the UI is restored to its former government last the configuration alteration.

Nevertheless, successful instances wherever ViewModels are inadequate, opportunity for dealing with ample bitmaps oregon analyzable objects, another methods are wanted. See redeeming information to disk oregon a database. Alternatively, if the information is manageable, usage the saved government module for simpler government preservation and restoration.

Adept Punctuation: “ViewModels importantly simplify government direction successful Android improvement, peculiarly once dealing with fragments successful a ViewPager. They advance cleaner codification and a much sturdy person education.” - Android Builders Documentation

  1. Make a ViewModel for all fragment.
  2. Shop UI-associated information successful the ViewModel.
  3. Retrieve the ViewModel successful the fragment’s onCreate().

Featured Snippet: To efficaciously negociate fragment government inside a ViewPager, leverage ViewModels for information persistence, grip configuration modifications gracefully, and see utilizing the saved government module for analyzable information constructions. This attack ensures a creaseless and accordant person education, stopping information failure and UI inconsistencies.

  • Prevention information to disk oregon a database for ample datasets.
  • Make the most of the saved government module for simpler government direction.

Larn much astir government direction champion practices.Existent-planet Illustration: A Intelligence Provender App

See a intelligence provender app with a ViewPager displaying antithetic intelligence classes. All fragment successful the ViewPager represents a class and shows a database of intelligence articles. Utilizing ViewModels, all fragment tin shop the database of articles for its respective class. Once a person swipes betwixt classes, the fragments are recreated, and the ViewModels routinely reconstruct the article lists, making certain a seamless searching education.

Additional enhancements see utilizing libraries similar Glide oregon Picasso for representation loading and caching inside the fragment, mixed with ViewModels to negociate the information related with the pictures. This optimizes show and additional refines government direction.

By pursuing these champion practices, builders tin efficaciously code the challenges of fragment government successful ViewPagers and make strong and dependable Android functions.

Often Requested Questions

Q: What are the communal pitfalls of fragment government direction successful ViewPagers?

A: Communal points see relying solely connected onSaveInstanceState(), which whitethorn not beryllium adequate for analyzable states, and neglecting the action betwixt the ViewPager and its adapter.

Q: Wherefore are ViewModels really useful for government direction?

A: ViewModels are lifecycle-alert and persist information crossed configuration modifications, simplifying government direction and selling cleaner codification.

[Infographic Placeholder]

By implementing these methods and knowing the lifecycle intricacies of fragments inside ViewPagers, you tin make a much sturdy and person-affable education. Research additional assets similar the authoritative Android documentation connected Fragments and ViewModels. Efficaciously managing fragment government is important for immoderate Android developer running with ViewPagers, making certain creaseless transitions, information persistence, and a polished person education. Dive deeper into precocious government direction methods and see incorporating libraries similar the saved government module for optimized show and maintainability. This article gives further insights connected optimizing fragment government inside ViewPagers.

Question & Answer :
Fragments look to beryllium precise good for separation of UI logic into any modules. However on with ViewPager its lifecycle is inactive misty to maine. Truthful Guru ideas are severely wanted!


Seat dumb resolution beneath ;-)


Chief act has a ViewPager with fragments. These fragments might instrumentality a small spot antithetic logic for another (submain) actions, truthful the fragments’ information is stuffed through a callback interface wrong the act. And all the things plant good connected archetypal motorboat, however!…


Once the act will get recreated (e.g. connected predisposition alteration) truthful bash the ViewPager’s fragments. The codification (you’ll discovery beneath) says that all clip the act is created I attempt to make a fresh ViewPager fragments adapter the aforesaid arsenic fragments (possibly this is the job) however FragmentManager already has each these fragments saved location (wherever?) and begins the recreation mechanics for these. Truthful the recreation mechanics calls the “aged” fragment’s onAttach, onCreateView, and many others. with my callback interface call for initiating information through the Act’s carried out technique. However this technique factors to the recently created fragment which is created through the Act’s onCreate technique.


Possibly I’m utilizing incorrect patterns however equal Android three Professional publication doesn’t person overmuch astir it. Truthful, delight, springiness maine 1-2 punch and component retired however to bash it the correct manner. Galore acknowledgment!


Chief Act

national people DashboardActivity extends BasePagerActivity implements OnMessageListActionListener { backstage MessagesFragment mMessagesFragment; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Logger.d("Sprint onCreate"); ace.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.format.viewpager_container); fresh DefaultToolbar(this); // make fragments to usage mMessagesFragment = fresh MessagesFragment(); mStreamsFragment = fresh StreamsFragment(); // fit titles and fragments for position pager Representation<Drawstring, Fragment> screens = fresh LinkedHashMap<Drawstring, Fragment>(); screens.option(getApplicationContext().getString(R.drawstring.dashboard_title_dumb), fresh DumbFragment()); screens.option(getApplicationContext().getString(R.drawstring.dashboard_title_messages), mMessagesFragment); // instantiate position pager through adapter mPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; mPagerAdapter = fresh BasePagerAdapter(screens, getSupportFragmentManager()); mPager.setAdapter(mPagerAdapter); // fit rubric indicator TitlePageIndicator indicator = (TitlePageIndicator) findViewById(; indicator.setViewPager(mPager, 1); } /* fit of fragments callback interface implementations */ @Override national void onMessageInitialisation() { Logger.d("Sprint onMessageInitialisation"); if (mMessagesFragment != null) mMessagesFragment.loadLastMessages(); } @Override national void onMessageSelected(Communication selectedMessage) { Intent intent = fresh Intent(this, StreamActivity.people); intent.putExtra(Communication.people.getName(), selectedMessage); startActivity(intent); } 

BasePagerActivity aka helper

national people BasePagerActivity extends FragmentActivity { BasePagerAdapter mPagerAdapter; ViewPager mPager; } 


national people BasePagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements TitleProvider { backstage Representation<Drawstring, Fragment> mScreens; national BasePagerAdapter(Representation<Drawstring, Fragment> screenMap, FragmentManager fm) { ace(fm); this.mScreens = screenMap; } @Override national Fragment getItem(int assumption) { instrument mScreens.values().toArray(fresh Fragment[mScreens.measurement()])[assumption]; } @Override national int getCount() { instrument mScreens.dimension(); } @Override national Drawstring getTitle(int assumption) { instrument mScreens.keySet().toArray(fresh Drawstring[mScreens.measurement()])[assumption]; } // hack. we don't privation to destruct our fragments and re-provoke them last @Override national void destroyItem(Position instrumentality, int assumption, Entity entity) { // TODO Car-generated technique stub } } 


national people MessagesFragment extends ListFragment { backstage boolean mIsLastMessages; backstage Database<Communication> mMessagesList; backstage MessageArrayAdapter mAdapter; backstage LoadMessagesTask mLoadMessagesTask; backstage OnMessageListActionListener mListener; // specify callback interface national interface OnMessageListActionListener { national void onMessageInitialisation(); national void onMessageSelected(Communication selectedMessage); } @Override national void onAttach(Act act) { ace.onAttach(act); // mounting callback mListener = (OnMessageListActionListener) act; mIsLastMessages = act instanceof DashboardActivity; } @Override national Position onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup instrumentality, Bundle savedInstanceState) { inflater.inflate(R.structure.fragment_listview, instrumentality); mProgressView = inflater.inflate(R.structure.listrow_progress, null); mEmptyView = inflater.inflate(R.format.fragment_nodata, null); instrument ace.onCreateView(inflater, instrumentality, savedInstanceState); } @Override national void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ace.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); // instantiate loading project mLoadMessagesTask = fresh LoadMessagesTask(); // instantiate database of messages mMessagesList = fresh ArrayList<Communication>(); mAdapter = fresh MessageArrayAdapter(getActivity(), mMessagesList); setListAdapter(mAdapter); } @Override national void onResume() { mListener.onMessageInitialisation(); ace.onResume(); } national void onListItemClick(ListView l, Position v, int assumption, agelong id) { Communication selectedMessage = (Communication) getListAdapter().getItem(assumption); mListener.onMessageSelected(selectedMessage); ace.onListItemClick(l, v, assumption, id); } /* national strategies to burden messages from adult acitivity, and many others... */ } 


The dumb resolution is to prevention the fragments wrong onSaveInstanceState (of adult Act) with putFragment and acquire them wrong onCreate through getFragment. However I inactive person a unusual feeling that issues shouldn’t activity similar that… Seat codification beneath:

@Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { ace.onSaveInstanceState(outState); getSupportFragmentManager() .putFragment(outState, MessagesFragment.people.getName(), mMessagesFragment); } protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Logger.d("Sprint onCreate"); ace.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ... // make fragments to usage if (savedInstanceState != null) { mMessagesFragment = (MessagesFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().getFragment( savedInstanceState, MessagesFragment.people.getName()); StreamsFragment.people.getName()); } if (mMessagesFragment == null) mMessagesFragment = fresh MessagesFragment(); ... } 

Once the FragmentPagerAdapter provides a fragment to the FragmentManager, it makes use of a particular tag based mostly connected the peculiar assumption that the fragment volition beryllium positioned. FragmentPagerAdapter.getItem(int assumption) is lone referred to as once a fragment for that assumption does not be. Last rotating, Android volition announcement that it already created/saved a fragment for this peculiar assumption and truthful it merely tries to reconnect with it with FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(), alternatively of creating a fresh 1. Each of this comes escaped once utilizing the FragmentPagerAdapter and is wherefore it is accustomed to person your fragment initialisation codification wrong the getItem(int) methodology.

Equal if we had been not utilizing a FragmentPagerAdapter, it is not a bully thought to make a fresh fragment all azygous clip successful Act.onCreate(Bundle). Arsenic you person observed, once a fragment is added to the FragmentManager, it volition beryllium recreated for you last rotating and location is nary demand to adhd it once more. Doing truthful is a communal origin of errors once running with fragments.

A accustomed attack once running with fragments is this:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ace.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ... CustomFragment fragment; if (savedInstanceState != null) { fragment = (CustomFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("customtag"); } other { fragment = fresh CustomFragment(); getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().adhd(, fragment, "customtag").perpetrate(); } ... } 

Once utilizing a FragmentPagerAdapter, we relinquish fragment direction to the adapter, and bash not person to execute the supra steps. By default, it volition lone preload 1 Fragment successful advance and down the actual assumption (though it does not destruct them until you are utilizing FragmentStatePagerAdapter). This is managed by ViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(int). Due to the fact that of this, straight calling strategies connected the fragments extracurricular of the adapter is not assured to beryllium legitimate, due to the fact that they whitethorn not equal beryllium live.

To chopped a agelong narrative abbreviated, your resolution to usage putFragment to beryllium capable to acquire a mention afterwards is not truthful brainsick, and not truthful dissimilar the average manner to usage fragments anyhow (supra). It is hard to get a mention other due to the fact that the fragment is added by the adapter, and not you personally. Conscionable brand certain that the offscreenPageLimit is advanced adequate to burden your desired fragments astatine each occasions, since you trust connected it being immediate. This bypasses lazy loading capabilities of the ViewPager, however appears to beryllium what you tendency for your exertion.

Different attack is to override FragmentPageAdapter.instantiateItem(Position, int) and prevention a mention to the fragment returned from the ace call earlier returning it (it has the logic to discovery the fragment, if already immediate).

For a fuller image, person a expression astatine any of the origin of FragmentPagerAdapter (abbreviated) and ViewPager (agelong).