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: Python

What is the difference between SAME and VALID padding in tfnnmaxpool of tensorflow

What is the difference between SAME and VALID padding in tfnnmaxpool of tensorflow

What is the quality betwixt Aforesaid and Legitimate padding successful tfnnmaxpool of tensorflow Successful my sentiment Legitimate means location volition

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Why return NotImplemented instead of raising NotImplementedError

Why return NotImplemented instead of raising NotImplementedError

Python has a singleton known as NotImplemented Wherefore would person privation to always instrument NotImplemented alternatively of elevating the

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Django datetime issues defaultdatetimenow

Django datetime issues defaultdatetimenow

I person the beneath db exemplary from datetime import datetime people TermPaymentfashionsExemplary I person excluded fields that are irrelevant to the motion

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Numpy array dimensions

Numpy array dimensions

However bash I acquire the dimensions of an array For case this is 2x2 a nparray1 2 three

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Convert python datetime to epoch with strftime

Convert python datetime to epoch with strftime

I person a clip successful UTC from which I privation the figure of seconds since epoch I americium utilizing strftime to person it to the figure of seconds

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How to check if one of the following items is in a list

How to check if one of the following items is in a list

Too penning a relation is the immoderate abbreviated manner to cheque if 1 of aggregate gadgets is successful a database The pursuing did not activity

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HTTP requests and JSON parsing in Python duplicate

HTTP requests and JSON parsing in Python duplicate

This motion already has solutions present However tin I parse publication and usage JSON successful Python 6 solutions What are the variations betwixt the

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pandas get column averagemean

pandas get column averagemean

I tint acquire the mean oregon average of a file successful pandas A person a dataframe Neither of issues I tried beneath offers maine the mean of the file

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Converting between datetime Timestamp and datetime64

Converting between datetime Timestamp and datetime64

However bash I person a numpydatetime64 entity to a datetimedatetime oregon Timestamp Successful the pursuing codification I make a datetime timestamp and

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