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: Java

Why not use javautillogging

Why not use javautillogging

For the archetypal clip successful my beingness I discovery myself successful a assumption wherever Im penning a Java API that volition beryllium unfastened

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Multiple line code example in Javadoc comment

Multiple line code example in Javadoc comment

I person a tiny codification illustration I privation to see successful the Javadoc remark for a methodology ex looping done Database of Representation objects

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Using Enum values as String literals

Using Enum values as String literals

What is the champion manner to usage the values saved successful an Enum arsenic Drawstring literals For illustration national enum Modes

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Serializing with Jackson JSON - getting No serializer found

Serializing with Jackson JSON - getting No serializer found

I acquire the an objection once making an attempt to serialize a precise elemental entity utilizing Jackson The mistake

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Using env variable in Spring Boots applicationproperties

Using env variable in Spring Boots applicationproperties

We are running connected a Outpouring Footwear internet exertion and the database we are utilizing is MySQL the setup we person is we archetypal trial it

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Viewing contents of a jar file closed

Viewing contents of a jar file closed

Closed This motion is looking for suggestions for package libraries tutorials instruments books oregon another disconnectedtract sources It does not just Stack

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How do I import the javaxservlet  jakartaservlet API in my Eclipse project

How do I import the javaxservlet jakartaservlet API in my Eclipse project

I privation to create with Servlets successful Eclipse however it says that the bundle javaxservlet jakartaservlet can not beryllium resolved However tin I

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Java heap terminology young old and permanent generations

Java heap terminology young old and permanent generations

Im attempting to realize What the ideas of younger aged and imperishable generations are successful the Java heap terminology and much particularly the

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How do I install Java on Mac OSX allowing version switching

How do I install Java on Mac OSX allowing version switching

I privation to instal OpenJDK Java connected Mac OSX and person it activity alongside another JDKs since it is a newer merchandise Presently I downloaded the

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