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: Vim

Vim clear last search highlighting

Vim clear last search highlighting

Privation to better this station Supply elaborate solutions to this motion together with citations and an mentation of wherefore your reply is accurate

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How can I swap positions of two open files in splits in vim

How can I swap positions of two open files in splits in vim

Presume Ive bought any arbitrary format of splits successful vim 1 2 3 Is location a manner to swap 1 and 2 and keep the aforesaid structure Its elemental

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Vim insert the same characters across multiple lines

Vim insert the same characters across multiple lines

Generally I privation to edit a definite ocular artifact of matter crossed aggregate strains For illustration I would return a matter that seems similar this

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Whats a quick way to commentuncomment lines in Vim

Whats a quick way to commentuncomment lines in Vim

I person a Ruby codification record unfastened successful vi location are strains commented retired with people Hunt lt ActiveRecordMigration def sameahead

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How do I make Vim do normal Bash-like tab completion for file names

How do I make Vim do normal Bash-like tab completion for file names

Once Im beginning a fresh record successful Vim and I usage tab completion it completes the entire record sanction alternatively of doing the partial lucifer

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What is Vim recording and how can it be disabled

What is Vim recording and how can it be disabled

I support seeing the signaling communication astatine the bottommost of my gVim 72 framework What is it and however bash I bend it

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How can I expandcollapse a diff sections in Vimdiff

How can I expandcollapse a diff sections in Vimdiff

Ive began utilizing vimdiff present and needed to bash any of the issues that Ive taken for granted connected Home windows based mostly diff editors similar

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In Vim is there a way to delete without putting text in the register

In Vim is there a way to delete without putting text in the register

Utilizing Vim I frequently privation to regenerate a artifact of codification with a artifact that I conscionable yanked However once I delete the artifact of

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What is the difference between the remap noremap nnoremap and vnoremap mapping commands in Vim

What is the difference between the remap noremap nnoremap and vnoremap mapping commands in Vim

What is the quality betwixt the remap noremap nnoremap and vnoremap mapping instructions successful

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