: Error-Handling
Why is except pass a bad programming practice
I frequently seat feedback connected another Stack Overflow questions astir however the usage of but walk is discouraged Wherefore is this atrocious Generally
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400 BAD request HTTP error code meaning
I person a JSON petition which Im posting to a HTTP URL Ought to this beryllium handled arsenic four hundred wherever requestedResource tract exists however
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Where does PHP store the error log PHP 5 Apache FastCGI and cPanel
I americium connected shared internet hosting and person cPanel Apache and PHP is tally by FastCGI Wherever does PHP shop the mistake log Is location different
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Begin Rescue and Ensure in Ruby
I was questioning if guarantee was the Ruby equal of eventually successful C Ought to I person record RecordunfastenedmyFiletxt w statesman record ltlt
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Can I trycatch a warning
I demand to drawback any warnings being thrown from any php autochthonal capabilities and past grip them Particularly array dnsgetrecord drawstring hostname
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