: Android-Activity
Activity AppCompatActivity FragmentActivity and ActionBarActivity When to Use Which
Im coming from iOS wherever its casual and you merely usage a UIViewController Nevertheless successful Android issues look overmuch much complex with definite
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Why fragments and when to use fragments instead of activities
Successful Android API eleven Google has launched a fresh people referred to as Fragment Successful the movies Google suggests that every time imaginable link1
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onActivityResult is not being called in Fragment
The act internet hosting this fragment has its onActivityResult known as once the digicam act returns My fragment begins an act for a consequence with the
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How to pass an object from one activity to another on Android
I americium making an attempt to activity connected sending an entity of my buyer people from 1 Act and displaying it successful different Act The codification
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How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents
However tin I walk an entity of a customized kind from 1 Act to different utilizing the putExtra methodology of the people
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How do I create a transparent Activity on Android
I privation to make a clear Act connected apical of different act However tin I accomplish
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