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YYYY-MM-DD format date in shell script

February 15, 2025

YYYY-MM-DD format date in shell script

Running with dates successful ammunition scripts frequently requires exact formatting. The YYYY-MM-DD format, an global modular (ISO 8601), is a dependable and predictable manner to correspond dates, important for scripting duties similar log record investigation, information processing, and study procreation. Knowing however to manipulate and format dates successful this circumstantial format is indispensable for immoderate ammunition book developer.

Getting the Actual Day successful YYYY-MM-DD

The day bid is your capital implement for day manipulation successful ammunition scripts. To acquire the actual day successful YYYY-MM-DD format, usage the pursuing:

day +%Y-%m-%d

This bid makes use of the +%Y-%m-%d format drawstring, wherever %Y represents the 4-digit twelvemonth, %m the 2-digit period, and %d the 2-digit time. This concise bid supplies a speedy and businesslike manner to get the actual day successful the desired format.

Day Arithmetic and Manipulation

Ammunition scripting frequently includes calculating ancient oregon early dates. The day bid permits day arithmetic utilizing the -d action. For illustration, to acquire the day 7 days agone:

day -d "7 days agone" +%Y-%m-%d

Likewise, for three months successful the early:

day -d "three months" +%Y-%m-%d

These calculations are invaluable for duties similar producing studies for circumstantial intervals oregon scheduling automated duties.

Running with Day Variables

Storing dates successful variables enhances book flexibility. For case:

current_date=$(day +%Y-%m-%d)
echo "Present's day: $current_date"

This shops the actual day successful the current_date adaptable. You tin past usage this adaptable passim your book for assorted operations, comparisons, oregon arsenic enter to another instructions. This attack promotes codification reusability and readability.

Formatting Dates inside Filenames

YYYY-MM-DD is perfect for creating timestamped filenames, guaranteeing broad chronological command. See this illustration for creating a log record:

contact "$log_file"

This creates a record named with the actual day, simplifying log record direction. This pattern contributes to organized information archiving and casual retrieval.

Applicable Illustration: Producing a Study

Ideate producing a period study. You may usage the day bid to cipher the day scope:

start_date=$(day -d "7 days agone" +%Y-%m-%d)
end_date=$(day +%Y-%m-%d)

This illustration showcases however day manipulation tin beryllium built-in into applicable scripting eventualities. This streamlined procedure automates study procreation with close day stamps.

  • Usage +%Y-%m-%d for YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • The -d action permits day calculations.
  1. Acquire the actual day: day +%Y-%m-%d
  2. Execute day arithmetic: day -d "X days agone/successful the early" +%Y-%m-%d
  3. Shop the day successful a adaptable: current_date=$(day +%Y-%m-%d)

For additional accusation connected day formatting, seek the advice of the GNU day guide. Another utile assets see Linuxize’s usher and Tutorialspoint’s tutorial.

Seat our article connected precocious ammunition scripting strategies for much ideas and tips.

Infographic Placeholder: [Ocular cooperation of day bid choices and examples]

Mastering day formatting, peculiarly the YYYY-MM-DD format, is cardinal to penning businesslike and dependable ammunition scripts. The day bid’s versatility makes duties involving day manipulation and formatting easy and almighty. By using these strategies, you tin streamline your scripts and better their general performance. Research further day-associated capabilities and choices successful the day bid documentation to additional heighten your scripting capabilities. See incorporating these methods into your adjacent scripting task to education their advantages firsthand. Commencement by experimenting with the examples supplied and accommodate them to your circumstantial usage circumstances. This fingers-connected attack volition solidify your knowing and unlock the afloat possible of day manipulation successful ammunition scripting.


Q: What is the vantage of utilizing YYYY-MM-DD format?

A: It’s an global modular, selling consistency and casual sorting. It avoids ambiguity related with another codecs.

Question & Answer :
I tried utilizing $(day) successful my bash ammunition book, nevertheless, I privation the day successful YYYY-MM-DD format.
However bash I acquire this?

Successful bash (>=four.2) it is preferable to usage printf’s constructed-successful day formatter (portion of bash) instead than the outer day (normally GNU day). Line that invoking a subshell has show issues successful Cygwin owed to a dilatory fork() call connected Home windows.

Arsenic specified:

# option actual day arsenic yyyy-mm-dd successful $day # -1 -> specific actual day, bash >=four.three defaults to actual clip if not offered # -2 -> commencement clip for ammunition printf -v day '%(%Y-%m-%d)T\n' -1 # option actual day arsenic yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS successful $day printf -v day '%(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)T\n' -1 # to mark straight distance -v emblem, arsenic specified: printf '%(%Y-%m-%d)T\n' -1 # -> actual day printed to terminal 

Successful bash (<four.2):

# option actual day arsenic yyyy-mm-dd successful $day day=$(day '+%Y-%m-%d') # option actual day arsenic yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS successful $day day=$(day '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # mark actual day straight echo $(day '+%Y-%m-%d') 

Another disposable day codecs tin beryllium seen from the day male pages (for outer non-bash circumstantial bid):

male day