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Convert Unix timestamp into human readable date using MySQL

February 15, 2025

📂 Categories: Mysql
🏷 Tags: Unix-Timestamp
Convert Unix timestamp into human readable date using MySQL

Running with databases frequently includes dealing with antithetic information codecs. 1 communal situation is changing Unix timestamps, these agelong strings of numbers representing seconds ancient a circumstantial epoch, into a quality-readable day format. If you’re running with MySQL, fortunately, location are businesslike constructed-successful features to simplify this procedure. This article volition usher you done assorted strategies to person Unix timestamps into readable dates inside MySQL, empowering you to efficaciously negociate and construe your clip-primarily based information.

Knowing Unix Timestamps

A Unix timestamp represents the figure of seconds that person elapsed since the opening of the Unix epoch, which is January 1, 1970, astatine 00:00:00 Coordinated Cosmopolitan Clip (UTC). It’s a wide utilized modular for storing and representing clip successful machine programs. Successful MySQL, these timestamps are frequently saved arsenic integers. Knowing this cardinal conception is important for precisely changing them into significant day and clip representations.

Running with natural timestamp numbers tin beryllium hard for investigation and reporting. Changing them into quality-readable codecs, similar ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’, makes the information overmuch much accessible and interpretable for some builders and extremity-customers.


The FROM_UNIXTIME() relation is the about simple manner to person a Unix timestamp into a quality-readable day and clip successful MySQL. It takes the timestamp arsenic enter and returns a formatted day drawstring. The appearance of this relation lies successful its simplicity and flexibility. You tin specify the desired output format utilizing format specifiers, giving you absolute power complete however the day is introduced.

For illustration, to person the timestamp 1678886400 to a ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format, you’d usage the pursuing question:

Choice FROM_UNIXTIME(1678886400, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s');

This question volition instrument ‘2023-03-15 00:00:00’.

Format Specifiers

MySQL affords a broad scope of format specifiers to customise the output of FROM_UNIXTIME(). Any generally utilized specifiers see %Y for the 4-digit twelvemonth, %m for the 2-digit period, %d for the 2-digit time, %H for the hr, %i for minutes, and %s for seconds. Research the MySQL documentation for a absolute database of disposable specifiers to tailor the output to your circumstantial wants.

Utilizing DATE_FORMAT() and SEC_TO_TIME() for Clip Conversion

For eventualities wherever you lone demand the clip condition from a Unix timestamp, combining DATE_FORMAT() and SEC_TO_TIME() gives a exact resolution. SEC_TO_TIME() converts seconds into a clip format, and DATE_FORMAT() permits for additional formatting.

See the pursuing illustration to extract the clip from a timestamp:

Choice DATE_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(1678886400 % 86400), '%H:%i:%s');

This efficaciously isolates the clip condition and presents it successful HH:MM:SS format. This attack is particularly adjuvant once dealing with clip-circumstantial information investigation oregon reporting wants.

Changing Dates Backmost to Unix Timestamps

The reverse conversion – turning a day into a Unix timestamp – is as crucial. The UNIX_TIMESTAMP() relation fulfills this intent. It takes a day worth and returns its corresponding Unix timestamp.

For case, to acquire the timestamp for ‘2024-05-20’:

Choice UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2024-05-20');

Applicable Functions and Examples

Fto’s exemplify the applicable usage of these capabilities with a existent-planet illustration. Ideate you person a database array storing person login act with Unix timestamps. You privation to make a study exhibiting logins for a circumstantial day. You might usage FROM_UNIXTIME() inside a Wherever clause to filter the information based mostly connected the transformed day.

Different illustration would beryllium analyzing clip-order information. Changing timestamps into readable dates permits you to visualize developments and patterns complete clip, starring to invaluable insights.

Spot infographic illustrating timestamp conversion procedure present.

  • Accuracy is paramount once dealing with clip-primarily based information. Ever treble-cheque your conversions and format specifiers.
  • Leverage MySQL’s constructed-successful features for businesslike and close conversions.
  1. Place the Unix timestamp file successful your array.
  2. Take the due conversion relation (FROM_UNIXTIME(), and so forth.).
  3. Specify the desired output format utilizing format specifiers.
  4. Execute the question and confirm the outcomes.

Additional exploring clip zones and their contact connected timestamp conversions is important for purposes dealing with planetary customers. Cheque retired this adjuvant assets connected clip region direction successful MySQL: MySQL Clip Region Activity.

Mastering these timestamp conversion strategies empowers you to efficaciously negociate and construe clip-based mostly information inside MySQL. By knowing the nuances of FROM_UNIXTIME(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), and another associated capabilities, you tin unlock the afloat possible of your information for investigation, reporting, and knowledgeable determination-making. Research these strategies and combine them into your workflow to streamline your database interactions and addition deeper insights from your temporal information. Fit to dive deeper into database direction? Cheque retired this assets: W3Schools SQL Tutorial. For much circumstantial day formatting choices, seek the advice of the authoritative documentation: MySQL Day and Clip Features. You mightiness besides discovery this article astir day and clip manipulation utile: Precocious Day and Clip Manipulation successful MySQL.


Q: What is the Unix epoch?

A: The Unix epoch is the component successful clip utilized arsenic a mention for Unix timestamps. It’s January 1, 1970, astatine 00:00:00 Coordinated Cosmopolitan Clip (UTC).

Q: However tin I grip clip zones with Unix timestamps successful MySQL?

A: MySQL’s clip region activity permits you to person timestamps to and from circumstantial clip zones utilizing capabilities similar CONVERT_TZ().

Question & Answer :
Is location a MySQL relation which tin beryllium utilized to person a Unix timestamp into a quality readable day? I person 1 tract wherever I prevention Unix instances and present I privation to adhd different tract for quality readable dates.


Choice FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp) FROM your_table; 

Seat besides: MySQL documentation connected FROM_UNIXTIME().