Code Script 🚀

: C++

How do I find the length of an array

How do I find the length of an array

Is location a manner to discovery however galore values an array has Detecting whether or not oregon not Ive reached the extremity of an array would besides

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What are the pros and cons in use of global variables closed

What are the pros and cons in use of global variables closed

Closed This motion is sentimentprimarily based It is not presently accepting solutions Privation to better this motion Replace the motion truthful it tin

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What is the copy-and-swap idiom

What is the copy-and-swap idiom

What is the transcriptandswap idiom and once ought to it beryllium utilized What issues does it lick Does it alteration for Celeven Associated What are your

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What XML parser should I use in C closed

What XML parser should I use in C closed

Closed This motion is searching for suggestions for package libraries tutorials instruments books oregon another disconnectedtract sources It does not just

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Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself

Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself

Im coming from a Java inheritance and person began running with objects successful C However 1 happening that occurred to maine is that group frequently usage

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insert vs emplace vs operator in c map

insert vs emplace vs operator in c map

Im utilizing maps for the archetypal clip and I realized that location are galore methods to insert an component You tin usage emplace function oregon insert

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What is Linuxs native GUI API

What is Linuxs native GUI API

Some Home windows Win32 API and OS X Cocoa person their ain APIs to grip home windows occasions and another OS material I person neer truly obtained a broad

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Is it possible to use stdstring in a constant expression

Is it possible to use stdstring in a constant expression

Utilizing Celeven Ubuntu 1404 GCC default toolchain This codification fails constexpr stddrawstring constString constString mistake the kind const drawstring

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How do you compare float and double while accounting for precision loss

How do you compare float and double while accounting for precision loss

What would beryllium the about businesslike manner to comparison 2 treble oregon 2 interval values Merely doing this is not accurate bool CompareDoubles1

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